Digital books, audiobooks, and magazines

Wisconsin's Digital Library – More than 100,000 digital books, audiobooks, and magazines that can be accessed on your phone, tablet, computer, e-reader, or MP3 player.
How do I start? Download the Libby app if you use an Android, Apple, or Windows 10 device. Kindle Fire users and Kindle e-reader users can visit the Wisconsin Digital Library website and complete the download through the Amazon website when prompted. Have a different device? Check the OverDrive Help website for more details on how to get ebooks and audiobooks on your device.

EBSCOhost eBooks – Searchable full text downloadable ebooks that can be read on a computer or mobile device. 
How do I start? Visit their website and read books through your browser or download to your device. Downloading books will require separate software or apps. 

Need help using digital materials? 
Ask the Reference Desk! Call us at 715-346-1548 or email us. You can also visit the OverDrive, or EBSCOhost help websites for assistance.

Need one-on-one tech help? Call us at 715-346-1548 to schedule an appointment at the Stevens Point Branch. Tech support can also be found at the Almond, Plover, and Rosholt branches. Call for more information.