Cornerstone Press Author Feature

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The Central Wisconsin Book Festival welcomes Margaret Rozga, Patricia Ann McNair, Robert Miltner, and Jamie Lyn Smith, four authors who have recently published through Cornerstone Press. Click this link to join:
Each of the four will share a short presentation about their work and how they came to publish through Cornerstone, our local University Press.
As 2019-2020 Wisconsin Poet Laureate, Margaret Rozga co-edited the anthology Through This Door: Wisconsin in Poems (Art Night Books, 2020) and the chapbook anthology On the Front Lines / Behind the Lines (pitymilkpress, 2021). Her fifth book of poems is Holding My Selves Together: New and Selected Poems (Cornerstone Press, 2021). Rozga’s poems draw on her experiences and interests as an educator, avid reader and researcher, parent, and advocate for social and racial justice. She serves as the first artist/scholar at the UWM-Waukesha Field Station.
Patricia Ann McNair has managed a gas station, served as a medical volunteer in Honduras, sold pots and pans door to door, tended bar and breaded mushrooms, worked on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and now teaches in the English and Creative Writing Department of Columbia College Chicago. McNair’s The Temple of Air received Southern Illinois University’s Devil’s Kitchen Readers Award and the Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year Award. And These Are The Good Times was a Montaigne Medal finalist. She lives in Chicago with her husband, visual artist Philip Hartigan. (Photo: Philip Hartigan)
Robert Miltner is the author of a collection of flash creative nonfiction, Ohio Apertures. He is recipient of an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for Poetry, an Ohio Arts Council Fellowship at Vermont Studio Center, and a writing residency at Wassaic Project. A professor emeritus of English at Kent State University Stark and the NEOMFA in Creative Writing, Miltner was Poet-in-Residence at the Chautauqua Institution June 26 – July 3, 2021. He edits The Raymond Carver Review.
Jamie Lyn Smith is a writer, editor, and teacher. She earned her BA in English and Theatre from Kenyon College, her Masters in Education from Fordham University, and her MFA in Creative Writing from Ohio State. Jamie Lyn is the Fiction Editor at BreakBread Magazine and a Consulting Editor for the Kenyon Review. Her work has appeared in The Pinch, The Mississippi Review, The Kenyon Review, American Literary Review, Yemassee, Bayou, and other fine literary magazines. She is currently working on Hometown, a novel about millennial crises and the rise of white nationalism in the rural Midwest, for which she received a 2020 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award. Her short story collection, Township, is forthcoming from Cornerstone Press in December 2021.
Cornerstone Press Authors: Margaret Rozga, Patricia Ann McNair, Robert Miltner, and Jamie Lyn Smith